Connect-Grow-Serve (CGS) Groups are groups of people who Connect with each other, Grow in their relationship with God, and Serve others in love
CGS Groups
Connect CGS Groups are adult groups primarily organized around fellowship and building relationships
Grow CGS Groups are adult groups primarily organized around growing in faith and Christian discipleship.
Serve CGS Groups are adult groups primarily organized around serving others at Royal Redeemer, in our local community, or in the world.
Home groups are small groups that meet in homes or at the church for fellowship, study, and prayer.
Age 3-4th Grade
Spark Sunday School
Spark Sunday School creates unforgettable learning experiences that capture the adventure of a living faith relationship with Jesus that is so much more than sitting quietly while adults talk at you – Kids need to do! Kids learn to apply their faith to everyday situations and make a difference.
5Th & 6Th Grade
IGNITE 56 offers a small group/large group ministry system that invites pre-teens to deepen their faith foundation in God’s Word while forming positive friendships in a fun and interactive setting.
7th & 8th Grade
Royal Redeemer has developed a comprehensive Confirmation Program based on a three-part model (learning, serving, playing) for students in Grades 7 & 8 that prepares them to affirm their baptism and make a lifelong commitment to their faith.
High School
Blaze High School Ministry exists to awaken every student to the reality that they are connected to God and the people around them, and to create opportunities for them to grow as they seek to live more and more in tuned with these connections.

People, gathered under God's grace, called to live out the love of Jesus Christ to those around us every day.
Support Groups
We leverage the power of community in times of need. CGS community members care for one another, and our Care Team assures that no one needs to struggle alone.
Mutual Care
Care responses may include:
- Prayer
- Meals
- Transportation
- Hospital or home visit
- Financial support
- Counseling
- Resource referrals/suggestion
Memory Loss Care Support Group
The CGS Community focused on Christian support for those caring for a loved one with memory loss meets at the church on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 6:30-8:00.
New Baby Support
This ministry supports young families from expecting to delivery and beyond! We’re here to help you connect with congregational supports that you can choose, like meals, a pastoral visit after your delivery, or advice and encouragement from other parents. We also want to connect you with resources for growing your young family in faith, like baptism, Bibles for young children, or family and personal devotions.