About Royal Redeemer

People, gathered under God’s grace, called to live out the love of Jesus Christ to those around us every day.

We are family in Christ, reaching families for Christ, by living out of love of the King!


Royal Redeemer’s mission is the same Biblical mission that is the calling of every Christ-follower and every Christian congregation:  To love and glorify God above all things (Matt, 22:37), and to grow His kingdom in the hearts of others by loving the people in our circle of influence (Matt. 22:39).  The way we express that is, Living Out the Love of the King!


We are like an extended family to one another, and because of the cross, this family lasts forever!  Out of Christian love and because He is our life and hope, we want to see Jesus Christ at the center of every heart within our reach.  His grace heals broken relationships, bringing renewal to every aspect of life, especially family life.


As we live out the love of the King, the shape of our life together is defined by our values.

  • The Kingdom of God is for everyone
  • Relational Discipleship
  • Compassionate Action
  • Grounded in God’s Word and Sacraments, filled with prayer
  • Theological Unity and differences in spirituality

Ready for a run-on sentence?!  We are followers of Jesus Christ, joined together through Word and sacrament ministry, grounded in God’s Word and Prayer, open to a diverse expression of Historic Lutheran beliefs and practices, welcoming to all, valuing healthy relationships, working together toward a world shaped by Jesus’ love.


Royal Redeemer is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and our beliefs and practices are in line with that tradition.  We seek to teach and preach in a way that draws all people into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.  You can find a description of our basic beliefs as well as specific issues at https://www.lcms.org/about/beliefs


In the mid-1980’s faithful pastors and leaders from three of our area sister congregations, King of Kings Lutheran (Mason), Immanuel Lutheran (Hamilton), and Messiah Lutheran (Greenhills), combined energy and resources toward a new mission congregation in West Chester Ohio.


Royal Redeemer Church draws over 300 people together weekly for worship and study


Royal Redeemer Church draws over 300 people together weekly for worship and study


Ben Burge was ordained and called as Family Life Pastor


Pastor John Benham accepted the call as Executive Pastor


Vicar Ben Burge was hired as Ministry Assistant


The congregation completed a facility expansion, doubling the available space for ministry


Pastor Anders Davidson accepted the call as Associate Pastor


The congregation began offering a summer baseball camp to preschool families from our community


A third worship service was added. Partnership with Lakota High Schools Sports Association Started


The congregation changed its governance to a policy-based structure to maximize volunteer resources


The plans for a multipurpose family life center, a traditional sanctuary, and a two-story education wing were finalized


Parking was expanded to accommodate congregational growth. Sunday School was expanded to two hours


The preschool expanded its ministry to 92 students


The congregation began offering a contemporary praise worship service in addition to a traditional worship service


Royal Redeemer Christian Preschool was opened with a full enrollment of 52 students


Pastor Joel Morgan accepted the call as Royal Redeemer's second pastor.


Pastor Mueller resigned and Pastor Lyle Rasch began serving as Interim Pastor


Under the leadership of Pastor Mueller, the congregation grew in the 1990's along with the surrounding community


The original church building was dedicated on March 1, 1992


Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church was chartered as a congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (Ohio District)


The Reverend Ronald Mueller accepted the call as mission developer in September, 1987 at Liberty Jr. School.