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A family in Christ, reaching families for Christ

People, gathered around God’s grace, living out the love of Jesus Christ with those around us every day.

Fellowship Sunday Service Time
Sept. 29

Contemporary worship with blended music



When there is a 5th Sunday in a month, we combine our Traditional and Contemporary Worship Services for one service, followed by a Fellowship Event.  Holy Communion is celebrated and children are invited to leave worhsip for a special time of teaching designed just for them!



A nursery for children through age 3 is available across the hall from the Worship Center, staffed by volunteers on Sunday morning and available for parents to stay with children during Saturday worship.

Cry Room

A cry room is also available with comfortable chairs, a view into the Worship Center, and audio feed to stay connected with worship.  Children of any age accompanied by parents are welcome.

Spark Sunday School

Our Sunday morning program is for children age 3 – Grade 4.  Children begin worship with their family, then are invited to the Great Room following the Passing of the Peace.
More Information


We exist to create environments where God addresses the deep longings of our lives by forming ordinary people into a family in Christ that reaches families for Christ. The way He does that is by bringing us into a trusting relationship with Jesus Christ and leading us to live out the love of the King through Connecting with people around us, Growing in our relationship with Him, and Serving Christ by serving the people around us.


Our Latest Sermons

Resources: Go Deeper Guide for Reflection & Discussion 9:00 Worship Liturgy 10-6-2024 Weekly Announcements & Prayer Requests 10-6-2024
Resources: Go Deeper Guide for Reflection & Discussion Weekly Announcements & Prayer Requests 9/29/2024
Resources: Go Deeper Guide for Reflection & Discussion 9:00 Worship Liturgy 9/22/2024 Weekly Announcements & Prayer Requests 9/22/2024

Active faith at Royal Redeemer means more than coming together for weekly worship. Explore all the opportunities to deepen your walk with Jesus and get together with other Christians through CGS Groups.

Looking for next steps?

We would love to connect with you further!  If you are NEW to RR and would like US to reach out to YOU about ministries that make sense for you and your family, please click the link below.


Your contributions of time and money support life-changing ministry at Royal Redeemer, and allow us to minister to those in need, creating a local and global impact.